Demand a NAFTA Replacement that Benefits Working People
Also, please call Rep. Polis with the same message. Contact Rep. Polis at (303) 484-9596 or send an email.
Below are what we want in a fair trade deal that works for the 99%.
NAFTA must be reset to function as a 'fair' trade agreement, distinct from the "free" trade model that shield corporations from competition and the risks of international investment at the expense of people and the environment. International markets can alternatively function to improve the quality of life of all people, communities and nations.
Fair trade is negotiated and administered transparently and inclusively, with participation by civil society including, civic, labor, human rights and environmental organizations, along with corporate interests. Transparency and inclusivity in enforcement implies that proceedings are public, an appeal process exists and civil society has a role in bringing cases of non-compliance by corporations and governments before adjudicators.
Elimination of the corporate-dominated Investor-State tribunal system and its replacement with an independent and transparent legal adjudication mechanism should be a high priority. The tribunal system flies in the face of democratic principles, national sovereignty and self-determination down to the local level.
Due to NAFTA's negation of the 1933 Buy America Act, local businesses are forced to compete with international corporations for all government contracts. Tax dollars used for public services and infrastructure can be dedicated to creating local business and job opportunities, which is particularly helpful during recessions. A fair trade regime would eliminate that provision.
Fair trade requires imported goods and services meet domestic safety standards. Safety requirements and inspection regimes for imports would meet scientifically valid product safety and public health standards and protocols.
Enforcement of international agreements and standards on human rights, labor protections, environmental and climate policy and consumer safety should be central to the new NAFTA. All parties to an agreement should be in compliance with these international agreements before receiving trade benefits. Civil society should be empowered to legally hold corporations and governments accountable.
Fair trade includes enforceable standards to guard against and offset currency manipulation.
Patents and copyrights for intellectual property while providing incentives to innovate, should not be a vehicle to perpetuate monopoly power. Fair trade would not include excessively long or easily extended patents and copyrights. All persons have a right to affordable medical treatment, including pharmaceuticals.
Export of subsidized goods that undermined the Mexican economy, would be prohibited under a fair trade agreement.
Fair trade necessitates regulation of financial products, transactions and capital flows. Capital controls are necessary to protect economies from financial instability.
Fair trade rules would guarantee Internet neutrality for all member countries.