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Guide to Ballot Issues

The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice has taken positions on a city ballot issue and a number of state issues in the 2018 election. YES on Boulder CITY BALLOT ISSUE 2G: This amendment to the City Charter would allow the use of electronic petitions and online signing for initiative, referendum, and recall petitions. This online process would be less arduous and expensive, increase participation and democracy, and enable citizens to thoroughly read and review petitions before they sign them. YES on Amendment A This would eliminate a clause in the CO Constitution that allows slavery and involuntary servitude for people convicted of a crime. Involuntary labor has long been exploited by prisons and corporations. This needs to stop. YES on Amendment V Lowers the Age Requirement RMPJC supports lowering the age to 21 to serve in the CO General Assembly. Twenty-one year olds are considered adults and should be allowed to serve. UNDECIDED on Amendments Y and Z - Redistricting Amendment Y changes the way the state's congressional district maps are redrawn following the census. Amendment Z does the same as Y for state legislative redistricting. The RMPJC is undecided on Y and Z at this point, although we had taken an earlier favorable position. Our position will be on our website at by next Monday. YES on Amendment 73 This amendment raises new funding for public schools by increasing income tax rates on the wealthy and by raising corporate tax rates. RMPJC support funding for public education because education promotes equality, justice and democracy. We also support progressive income taxes because the rich can afford to pay more. NO on Amendment 74 Amendment 74 requires that the government award compensation to owners of private property whenever a government law or regulation reduces the market value of their property. We oppose this because it places property rights above human rights and requires governments to pay corporate polluters for laws that protect the public. NO on Amendment 75. Amendment 75 allows all candidates to collect five times the level of individual contributions currently authorized when another candidate loans or contributes at least $1 million to his or her own campaign. Allowing rich people to put more money into campaigns is not the solution to self-funded campaigns by millionaires. We need public financing across the board, not more money in politics. YES on Proposition 111- Limitations on Pay Day Loans. This would lower the maximum authorized finance charge for pay day loans to no more than 36% annual percentage rate. Payday lenders take advantage of vulnerable families by charging rates as high as 200%. This is predatory and plain wrong. YES on PROPOSITION 112 Proposition 112 is a statewide statutory law that would establish buffer zones between fracking and occupied buildings - like homes and schools - and areas of special concern - like playgrounds and drinking water sources. Health studies show harmful effects to people within a ½ mile of fracking operations. We believe health and safety concerns come before profits. For more info on state ballot issues, go to or email me at The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's "Peace Train" runs every Friday in the Colorado Daily.

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