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December 6th Boulder Says No More Funding for DAPL!

Join us on the 6th by RSVPing here and being a part of our local #DefundDAPL #BankExit campaign.

Sadly, the City of Boulder and Boulder County are currently engaged in primary banking with one of the top banks financing Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Unfortunately, this means that our local tax dollars are supporting environmental devastation and massive human rights violations being perpetrated against Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the peaceful protectors gathered to defend their sacred lands and water. The people of Boulder are uniting on Tuesday, December 6th to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! DIVEST OUR CITY AND COUNTY FUNDS NOW FROM ALL BANKS FINANCING THE DAPL!" Dec. 6th ACTION SCHEDULE 11 am - Public comment to the Boulder County Commission (tentative + to be confirmed) 12 noon to 1 pm - Rally and march for Standing Rock 1 pm to 2:30 - Meeting at location TBA to plan next action steps *** BREAK *** 5:30 pm - Presentation to the Boulder City Council meeting Please RSVP to the Boulder City Council meeting here: Join us to rally on Pearl St. outside the Boulder County Courthouse. We will hold a press conference at 12 noon publicly revealing the identity of the bank whose accounts with the County must be closed. Then we'll march to City Hall to demand the City's divestment from this bank. Along the march route, we will peacefully and prayerfully protest all banks financing DAPL while asking every person to stand in solidarity with Standing Rock by closing accounts with Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Bank of the West and other banks funding DAPL. Bring friends and signs! After the rally and march, we invite you to stay around for a solidarity meeting to plan next steps in our local #DefundDAPL #BankExit campaign. Stay tuned for details!

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