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RMPJC 40th Anniversary
news, events and action alerts

Peacemaker of the Year Awards Ceremony, November 3rd
Save the date When: Saturday, November 3rd Where: Unity Church of Boulder, 2855 Folsom St. The Peacemaker of the Year (PMY) Awards...

4th Annual Summer Picnic, August 31st
When: Friday, August 31st, 4 pm - Sunset Where: Eben G. Fine Park, 101 Arapahoe Ave It's that time of year again! Join RMPJC for our...
Every Saturday, 1 - 2 pm, 6th and Main, Longmont
RMPJC Job Opening
Our wonderful bookkeeper of 2 years is parting ways with RMPJC to continue to further her education and we are looking to fill her...

Community Meeting with Sheriff Pelle: No Communication with ICE, May 2nd
When: Wednesday, May 2nd, 6 pm - 8 pm Where: Universalist Unitarian Church, 5001 Pennsylvania, Boulder CIRC calls a community meeting...
KC Becker, Steve Fenberg, and Edie Hooton Town Hall, April 22nd
When: Sunday, April 22nd at 10 am-12 pm Where: Boulder Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302 A space for representatives to...
Memorial Gathering for Sunni Eckhardt, April 28th
When: Saturday, April 28th, 7 pm Where: Legion Park, 7081 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder It is with great sadness that we pass on to you the...
Community Speak-Out: January 17th
When: Wednesday, January 17th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm Where: West Senior Center, 909 Arapahoe Ave. Share your Experiences of Discrimination and...

Martin Luther King Day Rally and March: January 15th
When: Monday, January 15th, 11am - 12:30pm Where: The Courthouse on Pearl Street Mall, Boulder, CO As part of the activities for MLK Day,...
Housing Advisory Board Community Forum Community Workshop: January 8th
When: Monday, January 8th, 5 - 7pm Where: West Senior Center, 909 Arapahoe Ave. Housing Advisory Board Community Workshop City Council...
Visiting activist looking to borrow mattress
A visiting activist would like to borrow a twin-size mattress while he's in town. If you have such a mattress to offer, please call John...

Clearing-out of Boulder RMPJCer's home means possible free treasures for you!
RMPJCer Matt Nicodemus is now heavy into clearing out non-essential items from his parents' North Boulder home. All manners of objects...
Are you remembering? Birthday Party for LeRoy and Betty, December 9th
When: Saturday, December 9th, 3pm - 5pm Where: Friend's Meeting House, 1825 Upland Ave, Boulder He'll be 86 on December 7, she'll be 76...
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