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Take Action

September 6th:

Call Senator Bennet for Support to Keep Rocky Flats Closed
Please be sure to ask to speak with the appropriate staff person at each office to make sure your voice is heard.  We've been in communication with all three locations listed below and we encourage you to call any or all offices to practice your first amendment right.  Please be polite and respectful.

DC Office:  
202-224-5852  Candace Vahlsing
Denver Office:  
303-455-7600  Kwon Atlas
Fort Collins Office:  
970-224-2200  James Thompson

For your reference, talking points are available at this link A dozen reasons why the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge should remain closed to the public by Dr. LeRoy Moore.

Additional information at


September 4th:


Tell Congress a NAFTA Replacement Must End Job Outsourcing and Protect the Environment!
Act now!


August 14th:


Rocky Mountain Greenway Public Comment

For your reference, here are talking points about the Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Rocky Mountain Greenway.



August 7th:


URGENT: National Campaign to Keep Rocky Flats Closed


The US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to open the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge for public recreation on September 15th of this year. It is an urgent matter of public health to keep Rocky Flats closed! It's time to put pressure on the decision makers: DOE Legacy Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service.


No matter where you are, you can take action to keep living beings safe from contamination by writing a letter to DOE Legacy Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service demanding that they keep Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge closed in the interest of public health.CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION TODAY TO PREVENT THE OPENING OF ROCKY FLATS


Colorado Campaign to Keep Rocky Flats Closed

Contact Colorado Members of Congress and ask them to write a sign-on letter to USFWS and DOE Legacy Management opposing the opening of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.


2018 Disclose Act
Please send your congress person a petition asking him or her to sign the new DISCLOSE Act which has been introduced in Congress. The Act requires secret money groups to report their funders, includes robust follow-the-money transfer provisions to reveal contributors hiding behind front groups, and requires leaders of corporations, unions, and other organizations to "stand by their ad".  Sign here.


Tell Congress to Restore the Internet!

Sign the petition. The FCC order to end net neutrality just went into full effect, but Congress still has the power to overrule Trump's hand-picked FCC chair Ajit Pai and save the internet that we know and love.


Act Now: Tell Congress a NAFTA Replacement Must End Job Outsourcing and Protect the Environment!



July 30th:


URGENT: National Campaign to Keep Rocky Flats Closed
The US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to open the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge for public recreation on September 15th of this year. It is an urgent matter of public health to keep Rocky Flats closed! It's time to put pressure on the decision makers: DOE Legacy Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

No matter where you are, you can take action to keep living beings safe from contamination by writing a letter to DOE Legacy Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service demanding that they keep Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge closed in the interest of public health.


Colorado Campaign to Keep Rocky Flats Closed
Contact Colorado Members of Congress and ask them to write a sign-on letter to USFWS and DOE Legacy Management opposing the opening of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.


Tell Congress to Restore the Internet!
Sign the petition. The FCC order to end net neutrality just went into full effect, but Congress still has the power to overrule Trump's hand-picked FCC chair Ajit Pai and save the internet that we know and love.

2 Days to Go! Support Colorado Rising to Help Prevent Fracking
Please go to to find ways to support the Colorado Rising ballot initiative.  This is a statewide ballot initiative for a 2500' setback to oil and gas development.  
All volunteers need to turn in petitions by August 1st.

Boulder Colorado Rising office hours and location:
Come by on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, 9am-9pm
Where: 1325 Broadway, #216 Boulder


July 16th:


Keep Rocky Flats Closed

Contact Colorado Members of Congress and ask them to write a sign-on letter to USFWS and DOE Legacy Management opposing the opening of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.


16 Days to Go! Support Colorado Rising to Help Prevent Fracking

Please go to to find ways to support the Colorado Rising ballot initiative.  This is a statewide ballot initiative for a 2500' setback to oil and gas development.  

All volunteers need to turn in petitions by August 1st.


Boulder Colorado Rising office hours and location: 

Come by on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, 9am-9pm

Where: 1325 Broadway, #216 Boulder[Find us on a map]


Impeach Trump

Impeach Trump for Separating Children and Infants from Families


Reverse Scott Pruitt's extreme anti-environment agenda at the EPA!

Tell your Representative



June 28th:


Keep Rocky Flats Closed

Contact Colorado Members of Congress and ask them to write a sign-on letter to USFWS and DOE Legacy Management opposing the opening of Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge.


Support Colorado Rising to Help Prevent Fracking

Please go to to find ways to support the Colorado Rising ballot initiative. This is a statewide ballot initiative for a 2500' setback to oil and gas development. Signatures for the initiative are due on August 6th. 


Stop Trump's "Tax Scam Round 2" for the rich and powerful

Tell Congress not to pay for the December 2017 tax scam by slashing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


Protect WikiLeaks 

Urge Ecuador to Protect WikiLeaks from Persecution by Team Trump


Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act 

Tell your Members of Congress to support the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act from Rep. Ted Lieu and Senator Ed Markey.


No Mining at Yellowstone

Tell the Trump administration



Posts before June 28th:


Urge Partners in Iran Deal to Uphold It Despite Trump

Let's not allow Trump to destroy the world's relations with Iran and move us all closer to war. Please sign this petition.


Preserve Net Neutrality

Call Your House Members and ask them to preserve Net Neutrality. The Senate passed the resolution to restore net neutrality in historic upset on 5/16, amid massive public outcry over FCC repeal. Now it's time to convince our House members. Please call today 202-224-3121


Net Neutrality: Vitally important Senate vote this week

The Senate will vote on net neutrality on Wednesday. Please call, tweet and share on Facebook and Reddit. Ask them to stop the FCC's repeal ASAP.


Call Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet: 202-224-3121


Iran Nuclear Agreement

Tell the other partners to the Iran agreement to uphold it and continue cooperative relations with Iran. They need to be encouraged.  


Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act 

Tell your Members of Congress to support the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act from Rep. Ted Lieu and Senator Ed Markey. Fact sheet here.


Join the Advisory Board for Rocky Flats Downwinders

Sasha Stiles, MD Boarded in Family Medicine for 35 years, as a community member will use her medical knowledge to protect and serve the the health of our community, specifically to protect them from nuclear waste. Now forming cadre of concerned health professionals and their patients tasked with overseeing the health of our community related to nuclear contamination derived from Rocky Flats. Determined to develop funding and execution off focused epidemiological studies of the past, present and future health status of all or parts of the downwind Rocky Flats population.


Move away from Nuclear War

Ask your reps and Senators to take steps to move away from nuclear war


The FCC must deny the Sinclair-Tribune merger

Sign a petition


Restoring Overtime Pay Act

Already over 41,000 people have become co-signers of this important bill that allows working people the right to earn the overtime pay they deserve. Click here to become a co-signer of the Restoring Overtime Pay Act today!


No cuts or additional requirements for food stamps 

Sign the petition to House Republicans: No cuts or additional work requirements for food stamps in the 2018 farm bill.


John Bolton is dangerous

Sign the petition to denounce his National Security Adviser appointment.


Block Gina Haspel's confirmation as CIA Director

Sign and send a petition



Sign petition calling on Congress to pass common sense legislation that will protect and save children from gun violence.


Save Net Neutrality

The Senate is voting soon on a resolution that would stop Ajit Pai and the FCC from repealing net neutrality, keeping the Internet free from censorship, slow lanes, and new fees.  URGENT: Your senator is one of the most likely swing votes. We need everyone in your state to take action today.


Invest in Communities, Not Nuclear Weapons

Take action now to make sure your Members of Congress invest in our communities instead of the military industrial complex.


Presidential First Use of Nuclear Weapons

Tell your members of Congress to support The Restricting Use of Nuclear Weapons Act. Resources: Is it legal? Is it constitutional? Is it just? Article and video


Tell ICE: Keep Ingrid Home!

Sign here.


Tell Congress: Protect Dreamers and cut funding for Trump's deportation machine

Defund the hate here.


Tell Congress: Stop Fueling War in Yemen

Sign here.

Vote likely to happen on U.S. support for war against Yemen tomorrow or Wednesday. Ask your senators to cosponsor Sanders-Lee-Murphy bill [SJRes54] which ends U.S. support for the war on Yemen and to oppose SJRes55 (a watered down version) as currently written. Talking points here. 

Senator Cory Gardner: 202-224-5941

Senator Michael Bennet: 202-224-5852


Let's support Florida's brave high school activists

By taking the battle over assault weapons to Congress. 

Nuclear Guardianship

Keep the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge Closed to Public Recreation, especially Keep Kids Off Rocky Flats

A map of proposed trails at Rocky Flats is posted on the US Fish and Wildlife Service website.  This version is edited with the addition of a red outline to show the near proximity of the active Superfund site.  
Click to view larger version

The Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge is surrounding an active superfund site. To open the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge would be an unnecessary risk to public health and safety.  The State and Federal radiation standards are not sufficiently protective of the most vulnerable, especially children.  Please help to prevent recreation at Rocky Flats, and prevent the Jefferson Parkway.



Social Justice

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Where: Alfalfa's Cafe, 1651 Broadway, Boulder

For more information email


Media Literacy

When: 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12:30pm
Contact Carolyn at or 720-509-3378 for more information


Economic Justice

When: Wednesdays at 7pm

Where: Unity Church, Folsom and Valmont, Boulder CO
For more information contact Carolyn at or 720-509-3378


Global Peace

When: 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7pm

For more information contact Carolyn at or 720-509-3378


Nuclear Guardianship

When: Tuesdays, 12-2pm
Where: China Gourmet, 3970 North Broadway #102, Boulder, CO

For more information email

Collective Meeting Times


We rely on the generosity of people like you, who understand that peace and justice is a cause worth contributing to.

Business Changemakers

This space is available for local businesses who support RMPJC 


For additional info please contact us at


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