Sustaining Contributors
We rely on the generosity of people like you, who understand that peace and justice is a cause worth contributing to.
Your contribution is tax-deductible.
Member: $40 Annually
Major Donor: $250+ Annually
Sustainer: Monthly Donor of any amount
The purpose of the the Membership Outreach Program is for the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center to sustain connection with members, gain insight, and broaden resources to make RMPJC as inclusive and effective as possible.
For questions or comments please contact us
Today the RMPJC has over 1,000 members and an active wider network of about 2,000 additional individuals and 200 organizations.
Each week, we provide to this larger network action alerts and notification of upcoming events sponsored both by RMPJC and others. Every Friday RMPJC publishes “Peace Train,” a column in the Colorado Daily.