Schedule your CO Gives Day Contribution Today!
Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement that celebrates and increases philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. CO Gives Day is on Tuesday, December 4th, but you can schedule your donation today! Here's how: 1. Go to RMPJC's page on 2. Click the "Donate" button. 3. Enter or select the amount you want to donate. 4. Under Donation Type, click the button "CO GIVES DAY". Enter the details of your donation, and click "Add to Cart." 5. Continue checking out by logging in or creating a donor account, entering your payment information, and then pressing submit. Note to Donors: Donations placed in your cart are only stored when you are logged into your donor account. If you are not logged in before you close the tab or browser, the donations in the cart will be removed. Donations will also be removed when you are not logged in and two hours pass with no activity.